3 Anti Diet Journal Prompts for Navigating The Summer
Journaling is a great way of taking time out for yourself and reflecting on your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It can be used as a form of meditation and it can relieve stress, but it doesn't have to look a certain way.
Personally, I love stationery. It is one of my favourite things in the world. It brings me so much joy; washi tapes, pens, notebooks, I love them all. But not everybody does, and it's not always accessible. Which is why, when I talk about journaling, it doesn't have to look a certain way.
Personally, I struggled to find purpose in journaling. Coaches wanted me to start my day with a gratitude list, practice abundance and ‘call in more of what I want’. That’s great, if it works for you, but I found this incredibly crunchy and inauthentic. As I let go of how journaling ‘should’ look, I found comfort in the ebb and flow of thinking, writing and getting creative.
So, now that we’ve cleared that up… check in with yourself. Journal. Sit with your questions or thoughts. Give yourself five minutes to sit quietly. Find a practice that works for you.
How do I feel about my summer wardrobe? What do I currently have that I like and that I don’t like?
How can I manage my expectations of the summer? This is a season full of socialising, sunshine, and sometimes we inflate our expectations. When our expectations don’t align with what’s realistically possible, we can end up disappointed or frustrated.
What did I enjoy doing as a kid on summer break that I rarely do anymore? Remember the memory of hearing the ice cream truck?