Journaling is a great way of taking time out for yourself and reflecting on your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It can be used as a form of meditation and it can relieve stress, but it doesn't have to look a certain way. Personally, I love stationery. It is one of my favourite things in the world. It brings me so much joy; washi tapes, pens, notebooks, I love them all. But not everybody does, and it's not always accessible. Which is why, when I talk about journaling, it doesn't have to look a certain way.
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3 Anti Diet Journal Prompts for Navigating…
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Journaling is a great way of taking time out for yourself and reflecting on your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It can be used as a form of meditation and it can relieve stress, but it doesn't have to look a certain way. Personally, I love stationery. It is one of my favourite things in the world. It brings me so much joy; washi tapes, pens, notebooks, I love them all. But not everybody does, and it's not always accessible. Which is why, when I talk about journaling, it doesn't have to look a certain way.