The Culture Of It All! Podcast
The Culture Of It All!
July Bonus | N.S.V, Numbers & Self Worth

July Bonus | N.S.V, Numbers & Self Worth

Content Warning: weight loss, diets and clothing sizes

As Jordan Underwood recently wrote on Instagram: “Thinness will never your get out of jail free card. We are all held captive by anti-fatness.”

No matter our body size, diet culture and anti-fatness has seeped into our lives, our minds and behaviours. It is the ocean we swim in on a daily basis.

body of water under sky
Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

In this -slightly chaotic - bonus episode we’re chatting about the roots of Non Scale Victories, our relationship with numbers and how this has impacted our self worth. You’ll also hear a little bit more about my past experiences within the health and fitness industry, and some of the unfortunate ways “health” was and still is being marketed. Content Warning: weight loss, diets and clothing sizes

🗓️ Latest episode | 5 Practical Summer Self Care Tips for Larger Bodies

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The Culture Of It All! Podcast
The Culture Of It All!
Your anti-diet sidekick and go-to resource as we explore what it really means to ditch diet culture whilst living life in a larger body. Your host, Melanie Knights will be sharing stories, busting diet culture myths, and breaking through the bullshit of the diet industry.
Discussing topics such as anti-fatness, body liberation, body positivity, media representation, and intuitive eating. We will create a foundation for bodily autonomy, and take actionable steps to advocate for, and honour our own needs so that we can take up space, challenge weight stigma, and live a more confident, comfortable and joyful fat life!